This section lists the tropical bamboo plant varieties we have in production. They are all tropical, or sub-tropical, clumping bamboos and are generally not cold-hardy like the temperate, running bamboos. Some, the sub-tropicals, can tolerate freezing temperatures for short periods. Check the minimum temperatures listed on each species description as a guideline for which species can grow unprotected in your area.
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Bambusa chungii var. barbelatta - Barbie Bamboo

A slightly smaller version of the amazing Bambusa chungii bamboo. Same pale blue appearance but grows to about 3/4 the maximum size of the standard chungii. 25' tall with 1" culms. Perfect for smaller gardens. Min. temp 21F. Min USDA zone: 8b/9a. Click here to find zone.

3 gallon -
All other sizes, local pick-up or delivery only

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Bamboo Plant Container Size and Price List
1 gal 3 gal 7 gal 15 gal 25 gal 45 gal 65 gal Field Grown
N/A $45.00 $65.00 $150.00 $300.00 $400.00 $500.00 $400.00+
Bambusa chungii var. velutina - Velvet Chungii *New

Another importation success after initial failure. Like Bambusa oldhami f. striata, I first found this beautiful bamboo growing in Hua'an, China (2012) and attempted to import it via the USDA. That small propagule did not survive the stress of international travel.
I revisited this area of China in 2018 and, once again attempted to import this unique form of Bambusa chungii. This time, we succeeded and the imported specimen has passed pathogen testing. It should be released to us from USDA quarantine by 2020. Once released to us, the single specimen will be allowed to develop in our test field for about two years to prove its viability in south Florida. If all goes well, we will begin propagation and, realistically, propagules should be available by 2022.
The culms grow mostly covered in velvety tan/brown fur. Truly an exciting new introduction to the USA as an ornamental bamboo.
It seems to grow a bit smaller that the standard form of B.chungii - it will take time to confirm mature dimensions once planted at our nursery.
(Likely) Up to 25' tall and 2" dia. culms. Min. temp 24�F. Min USDA zone: 9a.Click here to find zone.

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Bamboo Plant Container Size and Price List
1 gal 3 gal 7 gal 15 gal 25 gal 45 gal 65 gal Field Grown
N/A $100.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bambusa contracta - Solitude Bamboo *New

Relatively small, upright bamboo, comparable to the smaller B.textilis cultivars. We have been test-growing this bamboo for several years and the projected maximum height is around 20'.
At first glance, it appears to be a type of B.textilis until you step back and notice the overall height is not as tall as expected. The culms are noticeably thicker with shorter internodes than a textilis at the same height. The culms are more compact, or contracted, hence the species name.
When several are planted in a row, this species makes an excellent privacy screen. Spacing can be between 3'-5' apart, depending on the density wanted. Min USDA zone: 9a. Click here to find zone.

3 gallon -
All other sizes, local pick-up or delivery only

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Bamboo Plant Container Size and Price List
1 gal 3 gal 7 gal 15 gal 25 gal 45 gal 65 gal Field Grown
N/A $30.00 $55.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bambusa cornigera - Ox Horn Bamboo

Culms slightly zigzag, and internodes are slightly curved. The common name 'Ox Horn Bamboo' refers to the overall form of the culms as they emerge from the ground. Because the culms naturally bow outward, then upward, the new shoots truly resemble ox horns - especially when two new shoots oppose one another. Mostly a bamboo for collectors. Should grow to about 35' tall with 3" diameter culms. Min. USDA zone 9b. Click to find your zone.

3 gallon -
All other sizes, local pick-up or delivery only

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Bamboo Plant Container Size and Price List
1 gal 3 gal 7 gal 15 gal 25 gal 45 gal 65 gal Field Grown
N/A $30.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bambusa diaoluoshanensis *New

We're going to take our time describing this one (and also in pronouncing its name). The truth is, it's going to have to describe itself, over time.
It was collected from the South China Botanic Garden in Sept/2014. I was targeting other species and the garden workers kept directing me to B.diaoluoshanensis, insisting that I should try it in the USA. They thought it was special. I stared at it and didn't understand what made it so special.
We now have it our test-grow field (as of March/2015, released from USDA quarantine).
By 2018, I'll have a much better idea of what we have and will describe it in detail!
2022 UPDATE: Grows 35'-40' in South Florida with 2" diameter culms. Hardy down to 25F degrees. USDA Min Zone 9. Click here to find zone.

3 gallon -
All other sizes, local pick-up or delivery only

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Bamboo Plant Container Size and Price List
1 gal 3 gal 7 gal 15 gal 25 gal 45 gal 65 gal Field Grown
N/A $35.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bambusa dissimilis

A medium-sized, fast growing bamboo. Fairly erect, green culms. Would work well as a privacy screen. Very similar to Bambusa malingensis 'Seabreeze Bamboo'. Will grow to 40' with 3" dia. culms. Min. temp 18F. Min USDA zone: 8b. Click here to find zone.

3 gallon -
All other sizes, local pick-up or delivery only

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Bamboo Plant Container Size and Price List
1 gal 3 gal 7 gal 15 gal 25 gal 45 gal 65 gal Field Grown
N/A 30.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bambusa dissimulator - Dragon's Nest Bamboo

A large, fast growing bamboo with long and plentiful lower branches. Not necessarily considered an ornamental bamboo - more functional. If you need a large, dense, bushy screen, this one's for you. Will grow to 50' with 3" dia. culms. Min. temp 18F. Min USDA zone: 9b. Click here to find zone.

3 gallon -
All other sizes, local pick-up or delivery only

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Bamboo Plant Container Size and Price List
1 gal 3 gal 7 gal 15 gal 25 gal 45 gal 65 gal Field Grown
N/A $40.00 $50.00 $100.00 N/A N/A N/A $500.00+
Bambusa distegia *New

An all green bamboo from Sichuan, China. Erect culms with slightly nodding culm tips. New to the U.S. Will grow to 30' tall with 3" diameter culms. Minimum temp 21 degrees F. Min USDA zone: 9a. Click here to find zone.

3 gallon -
All other sizes, local pick-up or delivery only

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Bamboo Plant Container Size and Price List
1 gal 3 gal 7 gal 15 gal 25 gal 45 gal 65 gal Field Grown
N/A $65.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bambusa dolichoclada

From Taiwan. Erect and tight-clumping. The culms and branches are yellowish-green and gradually turn pale yellow. Will grow to at least 50' with 3+" diameter culms. Min. temp 21F. Min USDA zone: 9b. Click here to find zone.

3 gallon -
All other sizes, local pick-up or delivery only

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Bamboo Plant Container Size and Price List
1 gal 3 gal 7 gal 15 gal 25 gal 45 gal 65 gal Field Grown
N/A $45.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bambusa dolichoclada Striata *New

This striped-culm variety of B.dolichoclada is a new introduction to the USA (2018). Yellow culms with green pinstripes.
From Taiwan. Erect and tight-clumping.
Will grow to at least 50' with 3+" diameter culms. Min. temp 21F. Min USDA zone: 9b. Click here to find zone.

3 gallon -
All other sizes, local pick-up or delivery only

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Bamboo Plant Container Size and Price List
1 gal 3 gal 7 gal 15 gal 25 gal 45 gal 65 gal Field Grown
N/A $75.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bambusa dolichomerithalla 'Greenstripe'- Blowpipe Bamboo *New

Light green culms with lower internodes occasionally striped with dark green. Grows in a dense, tight clump in similar for to the textilis varieties. Will grow to 35' tall, 2" diameter culms in Florida, and is reported to be hardy to 15 degrees F. Min USDA zone: 8b. Click to find your zone.

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Bamboo Plant Container Size and Price List
1 gal 3 gal 7 gal 15 gal 25 gal 45 gal 65 gal Field Grown
N/A $30.00 $45.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bambusa dolichomerithalla 'Silverstripe'- Blowpipe Bamboo

Dark green culms with lower internodes occasionally striped with white. Grows in a dense, tight clump in similar for to the textilis varieties. Will grow to 35' tall, 2" diameter culms in Florida, and is reported to be hardy to 15 degrees F. Min USDA zone: 8b
. Click to find your zone.

3 gallon -
All other sizes, local pick-up or delivery only

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Bamboo Plant Container Size and Price List
1 gal 3 gal 7 gal 15 gal 25 gal 45 gal 65 gal Field Grown
N/A $30.00 $55.00 $125.00 $225.00 N/A N/A $400.00+
Bambusa dolichomerithalla cv. 'Blue' *New

Straight green culms with white powdery bloom. A new, spectacular tight clumping feature plant. Imported April/2011 into USDA quarantine and was released to us in 2012. Will grow to 35' tall, 2" diameter culms in Florida, and is reported to be hardy to 17 degrees F. Min USDA zone: 8b. Click here to find zone

3 gallon -
All other sizes, local pick-up or delivery only

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Bamboo Plant Container Size and Price List
1 gal 3 gal 7 gal 15 gal 25 gal 45 gal 65 gal Field Grown
N/A $100.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bambusa emeiensis

This is the standard form of the species. The culms are solid green - the other two of our emeiensis species have striated culms. The nearly perfect upright form and symmetrically round footprint, beautiful foliage, and clean straight culms make all of the B.emeiensis forms superior landscape bamboos. Good cold hardiness for a sub-tropical bamboo. Will grow to 30'-35' tall. Min USDA zone: 9a. Click here to find zone

3 gallon -
All other sizes, local pick-up or delivery only

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Bamboo Plant Container Size and Price List
1 gal 3 gal 7 gal 15 gal 25 gal 45 gal 65 gal Field Grown
N/A $50.00 $75.00 $150.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Bambusa emeiensis 'Flavidovirens'

Newer introduction - Still rare in the U.S. Light yellow culms with dark green striae. Like Bambusa emeiensis 'Viridiflavus', this species makes a brilliant landscape statement. Introduced as Neosinocalamus affinis cv. Flavidovirens (misspelled as Flavidorivens). Will grow to 35' with 2.5" dia. culms. Min. temp 24F. Min USDA zone: 9a. Click here to find zone

3 gallon -
All other sizes, local pick-up or delivery only

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Bamboo Plant Container Size and Price List
1 gal 3 gal 7 gal 15 gal 25 gal 45 gal 65 gal Field Grown
N/A $75.00 $110.00 $200.00 $350.00 $450.00 N/A $500.00+
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Tropical Bamboo


Bamboo Information

Contact Us

Robert Saporito
Tropical Bamboo Nursery & Gardens
2929 G Road E, Loxahatchee, Florida 33470
Office: 561.784.2413, Mobile: 561.543.0742
Fax: 954.301.2497

Copyright 2010 - 2020, Tropical Bamboo® Nursery, 2929 G Road E, Loxahatchee, Florida 33470. Palm Beach County.