Shipping Guidelines
We usually ship within the continental U.S. via UPS. As an alternative, USPS Priority Mail can be selected. Priority Mail is more expensive but delivery is much faster to locations west of Louisiana.
Orders depart most days of each week unless we delay for holidays or other circumstances (i.e. weather). Delivery is usually within one week of the order date, depending on delivery location and selected carrier.
As the carriers currently prioritize dimensions over weight when calculating shipping cost, our shipping box size is always the smallest possible. Our most common box sizes are 24", 30", and 36". Up to three of our 3 gallon bamboos fit nicely inside our 36" boxes. Tall culms are sometimes bent to fit into the box rather than cutting them. It is better to cut a culm above a node with foliage rather than having it break below the lowest node with foliage. Bent culms can sometimes splinter or break off in transit but customers usually prefer, if possible, that they’re bent rather than arbitrarily trimmed during packaging.
We ship one or more bamboo plants per box. No soil is removed so the bamboo should arrive unstressed and well-hydrated. Two plants in one box generally increase the shipping rate of that package by about 50% (a $26.00 shipping charge becomes $39.00). Our 3 gallon bamboos usually have one to five culms and are considered starts – not mature bamboos. The roots and rhizomes are always developed sufficiently to insure steady growth when properly planted in their new home.
The table below is just a general guideline - actual shipping costs will be calculated in the shopping basket for your order and can be reviewed before payment is made.
Quantity/Size |
1ea. 3 GAL. |
$27.00 within FL |
$33.00 East US |
$35.00 Central US |
$47.00 West US |
Order Info
The tropical bamboo species listed on this website are usually available all year. Orders will be shipped, or delivered locally, within one week as long as ordered items are in stock. Most shipments go out Monday - Thursday of each week.
Although specific bamboos are listed here, most
of the species listed on the FCC-ABS
website's species table can be obtained. Email
me with any queries about unlisted species.
We deliver plants locally (South Florida) at a rate of $3.00 per mile, one-way from our nursery. For large (tractor-trailer) loads, we would provide a delivery quote from one of our independant trucking companies.
Please call for an exact rate to your address. This rate is the same for one plant or a truck load - retail or wholesale/commercial. Drivers are paid directly, upon delivery.
Packaged 3 gallon bamboos ready to go to their
destinations around the country.