These are not bamboos yet all grasses are related to bamboos. Ornamental
grasses often resemble bamboo and can be used to make a smaller bamboo
statement. They also work well in a bamboo garden to add texture and color
at a lower level.
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Muhlenbergia dumosa - Bamboo Muhly Grass |
This beautiful grass makes a wonderful screen as it can reach 5 feet in height. It's feathery very fine-textured foliage creates a soft, billowy appearance to a garden. The bamboo muhly is also a great place for butterflies to hide from predators.

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Product Type and Price List |
1 gal |
3 gal |
7 gal |
15 gal |
25 gal |
45 gal |
65 gal |
Field Grown |
N/A |
$25.00 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Pennisetum setaceum rubrum - Red Fountain Grass |
A mass of deep burgundy red blades forming a rounded weeping clump. The long bottle brush plumes are also red. Sometimes called Purple Fountain Grass. It is often used as an annual grass in northern gardens or as a perennial in southern gardens.

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Product Type and Price List |
1 gal |
3 gal |
7 gal |
15 gal |
25 gal |
45 gal |
65 gal |
Field Grown |
N/A |
$20.00 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Pogonatherum paniceum - Baby Bamboo or House Bamboo |
A clump forming compact grass (not a bamboo) with a bushy habit to 12-16 inches tall with tiny "bamboo-like" dense leaves. Part of the name Pogonatherum comes from the Greek "po;n" meaning beard which is in reference to the fine beardlike appearance. Interesting and beautiful in containers, as an edging of a rock garden or ponds, or as a groundcover where it should be cut to the ground occasionally to keep the planting shorter and denser. Plant in full to part sun and irrigate well. It is also used worldwide as a houseplant.

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Product Type and Price List |
1 gal |
3 gal |
7 gal |
15 gal |
25 gal |
45 gal |
65 gal |
Field Grown |
N/A |
20.00 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |