Another importation success after initial failure. Like Bambusa oldhami f. striata, I first found this beautiful bamboo growing in Hua'an, China (2012) and attempted to import it via the USDA. That small propagule did not survive the stress of international travel. I revisited this area of China in 2018 and, once again attempted to import this unique form of Bambusa chungii. This time, we succeeded and the imported specimen has passed pathogen testing. It should be released to us from USDA quarantine by 2020. Once released to us, the single specimen will be allowed to develop in our test field for about two years to prove its viability in south Florida. If all goes well, we will begin propagation and, realistically, propagules should be available by 2022. The culms grow mostly covered in velvety tan/brown fur. Truly an exciting new introduction to the USA as an ornamental bamboo.
It seems to grow a bit smaller that the standard form of B.chungii - it will take time to confirm mature dimensions once planted at our nursery. (Likely) Up to 25' tall and 2" dia. culms. Min. temp 24�F. Min USDA zone: 9a.Click here to find zone.

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