Another black bamboo? Yes, but this beauty has its own, unique features. Incredibly the culms are solid to mostly solid. This means there's potential for lots of design applications (furniture, construction, crafts, etc). Another unique feature are the green branches on black culms. Other black bamboos generally have black culms AND branches.
This bamboo was recently discovered in Thailand by Dieter Ohrnberger, author of 'The Bamboos of the World'. Ohrnberger observed that the black culms are not glabrous and glossy like Bambusa lako nor are they matte black like G.atroviolacea. The culms are somewhat in between, with a satin look and feel. Dieter Ohrnberger has it as a Gigantochloa species but it does not yet have a species name. Tropical Bamboo Nursery imported it as Gigantochloa sp. Ohrnberger and we've given it the common name 'Black Thai Bamboo'.
Should grow up to 30' with 2" diameter culms in Florida. Minimum temp. 29 degrees F. Min USDA zone: 9a. Click to find your zone.

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