This is a delicate, smaller bamboo with small leaves. It shouldn't exceed 18' tall and will work well in containers or small spaces. The thin culms are silver/grey and the thin, feathery foliage cascades beautifully.
Ideal for privacy screening/hedging when planted in a row on 3' centers. Hedge-trim 2x per year to maintain a dense, privacy screen at whatever height you need anywhere between 6' and 15'. From Thailand, Malaysia, & Langkawi Island. Grows on limestone hills and cliffs - performs well in the alkaline soil of South Florida. This cultivar was isolated amongst seedlings by Dieter Ohrnberger (author, The Bamboos of the World) in Chiang Mai, Thailand. We transported a propagule to Kunming, China in the summer of 2012 where it was shipped to USDA quarantine. Has been growing at Tropical Bamboo Nursery with wonderful results.
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