Bambusa textilis purpurescens - Purple Textilis Bamboo *New

A distinct variety of Bambusa textilis that develops purple/black culms.
The culms darken over a much longer period than Bambusa lako or Gigantochloa atroviolacea. Each new shoot takes up to a year after culm development to complete the darkening process. Sunlight, even filtered sunlight, is important to develop the dark culms. Any culms that are fully shaded will remain green.

Since 2012, we've made seven attempts to import this bamboo, each time the propagules not surviving the import process. Finally, in 2016, another attempt succeeded. Two offsets were collected at South China Botanic Garden and sent to USDA quarantine. These were cleared and released in 2018. They're now growing in our test field and propagation began in 2020.

These are now available.

About 25' - 30' tall with about 1 1/2" dia. culms. Min. temp 21F. Min USDA zone: 9a.
Click here to find zone

3 gallon -
All other sizes, local pick-up or delivery only

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1 gal 3 gal 7 gal 15 gal 25 gal 45 gal 65 gal Field Grown
N/A $45.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
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Tropical Bamboo


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Contact Us

Robert Saporito
Tropical Bamboo Nursery & Gardens
2929 G Road E, Loxahatchee, Florida 33470
Office: 561.784.2413, Mobile: 561.543.0742
Fax: 954.301.2497

Copyright 2010 - 2020, Tropical Bamboo® Nursery, 2929 G Road E, Loxahatchee, Florida 33470. Palm Beach County.