Per Dieter Ohrnberger: Chiefly cultivated in central and northern Thailand. In 2009, it became known that a plantation with plants of the shoot production strain existed in southern California, U.S.A.; the plants came from Taiwan and were growing on land leased by a restaurant owner called Dr. Lu. The land lease was lost and the bamboos were to be destroyed. We were able to bring some of these bamboos to our nursery and, until we learned their identity, referred to them as Bambusa sp. Dr. Lu.
This strain of B.oldhami is now in propagation at Tropical Bamboo Nursery. These is some discussion that it may be the true Bambusa oldhamii. It grows to about 1/2 the overall mature height (30') of the ornamental strain of B.oldhami.
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Min. temp 24F. Min USDA zone: 9a. Click here to find zone.

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